Perplexed face when thinking about social media.
Social media…it is just too much!

Social What?

Clean Mind Clean Soul


Wow. It is amazing what writing does for me in seeing life from another perspective. These “problems” I have expressed below are wonderful problems to have. I am blessed and grateful for all life has provided me and will continue to take each day as it comes as well as each task one step at a time. This is my outcome from the exercise I practiced below. The simple act of journaling.

When my new puppy cried to wake me up on January 1st, 2021, the day was no different than the day before. Where did my delusion stem from thinking that come the new year things will be different? The thoughts of a new start, a new beginning, new resolutions and goals are things that I can practice as each new day arises.

Why am I doing the “When ‘this’ happens I will do ‘that’.”?

I don’t know if my punctuation is correct and I don’t care. I am not perfect. I do not live a perfect life. I am a professional organizer and my home has stuff all over the place. I don’t put things away after I am done using them. I use the clutter in my home as an excuse. An excuse to face the obstacles life has given me.

“Well, I can only think well when I have a space that is put together.”

Yea right. When I put my home in order, I still find reasons to procrastinate…

How about I reorganize my tool closet? Things just aren’t “working” for me.

It is a stupid tool closet where the doors close! Geez.

My mission when I started my business was to organize from the inside out resulting in a higher quality of life. To create order in the dis-order of one’s life. Share how to create more time in the day. Learn to manage the unmanageable.

I created expectations of myself to practice what I teach and I now realize that I am a squirrel bouncing from tree to tree. Am I unique? Heck no. Not by a long shot. My life is just as messed up as everyone else’s. There is no need for me to try and hide this fact.

Do I like social media? No. Do I like organizing? Yes. Do I love helping others? YES! Do I need to help myself first? I do. My goal is to help others grow spiritually through the art of organizing. Is organizing even an art? I have no idea.

As I learn the technology and the how to running a business in today’s age, I shut down and the negative self-talk kicks in. There are SEO keywords to research, link this to that, create a Facebook pixel to use on funnel pages and advertisements, generate leads, create and drip feed emails, record videos, create content, learn the different platforms and when to post. Oh wait! Don’t forget to create posts.

Exposure. Exposure. Exposure. Get my business out there!

Be sure to be on LinkedIn to connect with other businesses and real estate agents to build my home staging services.

Then there is Instagram…edit the before and after pictures of jobs completed, include an @ symbol to connect with influencers and include a ton of #s that have a high view rate. Oh, and a blurb relating to the photos. Make sure the blurb and/or quote is catchy. Now Instagram isn’t enough, Instagram stories are the big thing.

Facebook…oh, lovely Facebook. I cannot get my head around this one. Create an ad, generate an audience based on interests, upload a photo, video, link to content and then create a pixel. I don’t even know if I am listing these correctly. Create and schedule posts. I believe up to three per week or they get lost in the feed. Wait! There are Facebook Stories too!

Wait! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Facebook changed the look and feel to confuse those of us who just managed to figure out how it works?! Shocking.

What am I missing? Oh right, funnels. Funnels?! Learned what those are over the past ten months. I am right at the launching point for a course I created and guess which obstacle is in my path? A Facebook pixel. Time to call Sahil. He is my ClickFunnels tutor.

Then there is making sure my Google business page is set up, my business claimed, Twitter, Pinterest, Yelp, YouTube, blogging and more. Of course those who I have looked towards for guidance have encouraged me to pick one or two and start from there. I still struggle.

When obstacles show up, I am not opposed to working through them. It is just that I am confused on which obstacle to tackle first. The amount of work it takes to start a business is not foreign to me. I watched my father build a business over 30 years ago that my sister is running today. 30 years ago there was no such thing as Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Networking and advertising were done differently.

Adjusting to this new way is overwhelming to me. I know that I am not alone and there are others out there in cyberworld who are struggling along side me. Perhaps it is best I stick with my strengths, organizing and creating content.

Life, for me, is about staying connected to my higher power and growing spiritually. Acceptance that I am not fit to handle the technology side of my business by myself is a huge hit to my ego and I am okay with it, today. Instead of continuing to fight this, I will use my time to find someone who is ready, willing and able to walk this path WITH me.

Ah…on to the next step…



Clean Mind Clean Soul

Professional organizing solutions that impact your mind, body, and spirit resulting in a higher quality of life. I believe there is always a solution.