Do You Find It Hard To Find An Organizing Solution?

Clean Mind Clean Soul
2 min readJun 20, 2020

If the answer to that question is “Yes.”, you are in the right blog. It can be difficult to take a step back and find solutions that work best for you as you search for organizing solutions. When you are unable to see around the obstacle in your path, it is best to seek another’s perspective. Ask someone for help.

An outside perspective can make all difference when seeking for an organizing solution. This person is not struggling with your obstacle and can freely see the space. As long as you are open to hearing suggestions and willing to try them (for a few weeks to get a true assessment), you are likely to find a solution.

Regardless of the space or area you are looking to organize, stepping back and asking yourself some questions that trigger your solution focused mind is helpful.

  • What do you currently house in “blank”?
  • What do you ultimately want to have live in “blank”?
  • Are there any other areas in the home that you can house items living in “blank ”that makes more sense to how you function in your home?
  • Do you have to keep all the items in this “blank”? What items can you let go? (donate, recycle, give away, toss)
  • What are some creative ways to store your items in “blank”?

Examine your “blank” and come up with different options. Be honest with yourself when deciding if you really need to keep something. Be open to suggestions. Be willing to try. Check out Facebook Groups where like-minded individuals belong.



Clean Mind Clean Soul

Professional organizing solutions that impact your mind, body, and spirit resulting in a higher quality of life. I believe there is always a solution.