Clean Mind Clean Soul
3 min readMar 1, 2021


“Come on now. Is holistic organizing really a thing?”

Why yes. Yes it is.

Find your spiritual path anywhere.

I have always loved organizing and growing spiritually. When I started my business, I decided to join the two. Thinking I was oh so unique and special, I found out it already existed. Boy was that a hit to my ego. I really thought I was onto something that no one else has ever thought of. I laugh at myself. How egotistical. Haha!

You are unique though. Your strengths, desires, experiences, challenges and goals are unique to your individualized needs. Have you ever asked for help and the person who offered helped would only work according to what works for them? They wanted you to convert to how they do it. They didn’t keep in mind what works for you in finding your solution.

When it comes to organizing your mind, body and soul you will find many different solutions you can try. I cannot even tell you how many times I switched out a closet to house different items because I felt it would help me in putting things away.

Guess what!?


Nine times out of ten it didn’t make a difference.

I realized the problem was me, not the closet or where my items live. Don’t get me wrong, I still believe that like items should be kept together, and in or around the rooms they are typically used. Some things I house live in bizarre places according to others. They work well for my individualized needs.

Organizing is about you. Your feelings about yourself. Your ability to trust in yourself. Your desire to make positive changes in your life. What are your goals? Why do you want to organize? I love to organize because I am out of myself. I am in the moment and find the process meditative. I feel the same way about gardening.

Think about the activities that calm you and bring you peace. Perhaps it is crafting, working on cars, woodworking, or writing. By organizing your mind, body, soul and home, you will end up “gaining” more time in the day to do the things you enjoy. It is funny. I was just saying to my cousin the other day that I procrastinate on finishing up projects. I realized in that moment that if I finished…now what? She reminded me that I will always find a project for it’s in my blood.

Sometimes I am so over the whole…be mindful, self-reflect, yada yada yada. I can only do so much in this area. I have done a thorough investigation of myself and identified my character defects. I can keep reading books and listening to speakers, or I can take what I have already gathered and DO. I revisit and remind myself of the tools and the best part, I utilize them to the best of my ability daily. I practice progress and not perfection.

Hmm… It seems I digressed. What else is new? I typically do. Okie dokie! Quit reading, get off your social media and go do something. Anything! Well…that is not harmful to yourself or others.

Happy Tasking!



Clean Mind Clean Soul

Professional organizing solutions that impact your mind, body, and spirit resulting in a higher quality of life. I believe there is always a solution.